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Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana Mp3 Download
FAQ about "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana" Song

Who wrote the melody for the "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana" Haryanvi Mp3 Song melody?

Ajay Bhagta has written the melodious of "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana". Ajay Bhagta has penned down the melodious of more songs like this.

Who is the voice of the track "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana"?

Ajay Bhagta is the vocalist of "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana" Haryanvi Mp3 Song. There are more songs like Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana, sung by "Ajay Bhagta"

Who is the Music Director who provides the tunes to "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana" a Haryanvi Mp3 Song?

The very well-known music producer "Bamboo Beat" team is the one who composes the music for song "Rog Ishq Ka Kanika Rana".
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